Continuing on with my righteous anger streak this week, I would like to take some time out to make some promises that I may or may not keep (depending upon if you're a member of law enforcement that happens to be reading this).
There are just some people who deserves what life (or a crazy black dude) gives them. With that being said...
I swear to God, I am going to slap to sleep the next unfortunate moron who says something to me about this fictional 'demographic' known as Generation Y. First of all, I'm a member of the so-called Generation X; which wikipedia defines as being coined by some eggheads from across the pond. But my first recollection of Generation X's usage was in commercials that were trying push soft drinks and clothing to me and all my friends in high school. And from Gen X, we get Gen Y which is even more bullshit than the bullshit it was based off of. That's what it is and that's how I see it.
And see, I would not have a problem with all of these marketing schemes (especially since I work in marketing) if all of these ploys weren't straight playing with people's heads (and by people, I mean some of the feeble-minded chicks that I happen to date from time to time). I not too long ago broke up with my girlfriend, but I remember a specific argument we got into towards the end of our relationship. I'm roughly two weeks shy of being a full five years older than she is (we were both adults; no Robert Kelly), but she learned about the whole Generation Y concept from some class she was taking in grad school. So in this argument, this intelligence-deprived dizzy broad proceeds to tell me that (after a few years of us shacking up mind you) we're a 'full generation apart'. WTF?! I honestly thought about tapping my elbow, climbing onto the top rope, and proceed to do what comes naturally. A full generation apart? Really? This is what crackpot marketing does when it reaches a textbook of a second-tier grad school, and wanders across the eyes of a dummy.
And I see all types of articles in the newspapers that further enforce this concept of Generation Y; and since people are stupid they buy into it (particularly if they happen to fit into the Generation Y category), and proceed to feel like they're special in some sort of way.
So yes, this is formal notice that I plan to 'Chicago-Southside-dirty cop-bent over the hood of a suspected stolen car-sucker punch' the fool who comes at me with any mention of a Generation Y.
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