Sarah Palin Gets Off Easy Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I can't help but feel that treatment of Sarah Palin's teenage daughter's pregnancy is somehow getting swept under the rug. In an age where we prosecute R and B singers for pissing on teenage girls (on a voluntary basis mind you), I knew for certain that a bigger stink would have been made of the fact that Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol, is about to become a 'baby mama'. I had visions of John McCain either A. distancing himself and trying to renege on his VP pick or B. publicly offering to remedy the whole situation with his trusty wire-hanger that he affectionately refers to as 'Mama Nomoe'.

But alas, after the story came out the media immediately glossed over it. I'm sick of hearing '... she plans to marry the father of her baby'. NEWSFLASH: Every 'baby mama' thinks they're going to marry the father of their children, but having it actually happen is usually a different thing. Don't they have teenage broads on the talk show circuit all the time talking about how they are going to marry their 'baby daddy'?

People of America, you are now witnessing the first clue that this Sarah Palin may actually be white trash. The second clue is that she lives in Alaska.

I can't help but wonder would the story be handled the same if the Obamas' had a teenage daughter that was all preggers and whatnot. I am sure this would have cost him an election, and probably would have been the punchline of enough racial slurs to last us well into the next century. You must understand, that there exists masses of white people that are looking for a reason to not vote for Obama, even though they said they would. There's no poll to suggest this obviously, but I've overheard plenty of water cooler discussions to totally validate what I'm saying.

See when McCain chose a woman as his VP, then white people around the nation had a moment of relief because they had been offered an out. Now they can claim they are voting for McCain because he 'thought outside the box' (why is that such an 'inside the box' phrase?) by picking a woman; and they can still make history by electing the first woman VP.

Truthfully, I know more about monkey strains of human diseases than this chick knows about being the second in command of a damn country. Vote OBAMA 2008.


Dkelly said...

Well Joe, on this one I have to disagree with you. I'm quite tired of hearing about the teenage pregnancy, and whether or not the youngest one of the clan belongs to the Mama or the daughter. One thing's for sure. I have to give a big thanks to good 'ole McCain for making a wonderful VP pick. I think that just lost him the election.

Memeeflye said...

When Jamie Lynn Spears got pregnant everyone this side of China was forced to hear about it...songs were even composed about this event on youtube! Why is Pahlin's daughter getting a pass? Because her mom's the VP pick? Surely, the Spears' have more celebrity as pop royalty. Or, is America just getting it...sometimes ish happens.

JOE CASTRO said...

they've given this a fair amount of media of attention, but could you imagine the media attacking this more fervently if this was the teenage daughter of Obama?

and they keep throwing in that 'she plans to marry the father' tidbit, as if they are trying to separate it from other teen pregnancies.

i just don't dig the media. things will change when i become emperor of the world; just you wait and see.

Greenfield Blog said...

What mother lets her 17 year old daughter get married? Throwing one bad situation at another? This is the point being missed -- how is the the equalizer in this story? Two 17 year olds who made a bad decision not to use birth control or abstinence, now make it "better"by trying their hand at marriage. Disaster.